Wednesday, May 19, 2021

I ordered my bag.

So my travels have decided to catch up with me like an old friend, "why lay you down girl?" "oh just been stuck" "get ready to travel again homegirl its gonna be awesome" Oh what do you know? it is going to be awesome. Me making money like I should Me presenting how I should in a beautiful metro, with someone who is the exact opposite of me, someone who complimenmts my life, who will potentially add to my life in such a positive profound way. we made a vow to get our bags and have them kiss I just ordered my bag. envission if you will with me Tall pretty busty clearly taken care of, standing in the sunshine my hair put up my earings making my eyes and my nails polish pop my make up on fleek Standing next to me Someone thats beautiful in both ways, Tight bodied with a face that shines through a crowd like a model, with a Bob that frames thier face perfectly, Thier eyes the bluest blue pretty deep soulful. Imagine if you will dreams being spoken into reality, being spoken to so sweetly, you get week in the knees just swooney like omg. It can happen twin flames are real, It can happen if you believe. two year paralegal programs can happen, being an adjuster can happen, owning a high end spa chain can happen you understand what its like when someone can make you feel like you can take over the world when they are with you? I know three couples like that, were going to be the fourth my life is going to be beautiful

Sunday, May 2, 2021

My family and Other stuff

Well Today they unvielded my Greandfathers stone, and of course I wasnt there, because of that cabal I spoke about last time, and the really short notice, but I aint even mad at it. Im happy my Grandma can feel comfortable when she goes to visit my grandfather now. For awhile I would have these late night text sessions, Im sorta empathic. like I can feel other peoples pains or Im just trippin. Or sometimes I can pick up vibes like today I met the Nicest Person driving this beautiful bently, I felt cambria I said it, he said he was just there. He told me only hardwork and no short cuts would get me there. I believe it. I hope one day we meet again with me driving a bently so I can thank him and every other person that has told me the secret to thier success. Honestly working at the gate house to this place has been a very life enriching experiance, and I love that I get to make people feel safe and welcome. Honestly truck and shipping date aside, I believe I will be that Bently driver, and I will have the life I want. everyone stay tuned life is beautiful

Thursday, April 15, 2021

Some people

So my ex's mom has gone out of her way to tag me in shit amd like all my posts on facebook. fortunatly for me, Ive done enough grieving, and caring. I dont give a damn what her daughter does or who she does it with. If anything it makes her look like an ass. which im tottally cool with. Racism, dont do it around me. I dont give a damn what you think the chinese government has done. If you yave those feelings keep them to yourself. Im not gonna tell on my supervisor, but all the respect that was there is now gone. I will scalp a motherfuckers eyebrow. not brows but unibrow. Dont pull into my blind spot and manufacture a bunch of bullshit, And just because I work where you live, it doesnt mean Im a toy to be played with. I dont care how much higher you hold yourself above me, in the end were all just dirt nobody gets out alive 29 years on the police force, 29 years of muscle memory connected to that weapon, If you really did believe that was a taser I hope they did a tox screen, Cause Im sure you were high, especially if were to believe what you said. last but not least Im dissapointed in myself for thinking that any shade tree mechanic is actually gonna buckle down and fix my truck. Its like I keep making the same mustake vecause Im trying to save money. I should have just had my truck taken to a shop, because clearly there is an evil cabal of white supremacists who got upset because I nodded a greating one time, and now they have thier network of shade tree mechanics wasting my time.........just kidding. Its all drawn back to me being greedy abd not just tKing my truck to a shop. Well thats what I gotta say about some people.

Monday, April 5, 2021

Chaos with my back

If your enemigo asks you to push his car up hill while its on an incline,dont do it. If this friend has wrought nothing but chaos, cut them off. My back is in a world of pain.

Why is the D.M.V. so punative

hello dear friends, funny thing the DMV, but not really though. Honestly with the amount if money people give to this organization, you would think there wouldnt be anything to complain about. Well thats a wrong assumption. Its bad enough people have to pay the government to use thier vehicles which they paid a tax for when they bought them. its bad enough the place is perpetually understaffed, perpetually bad smelling perpetually uncomfortable. You would think one of our dear whorish politicians would pick up on this. Just saying the next person that campaighns to make the dmv less miserable and bloodsucking, thats the person getting my vote. I want comfy reclining chairs, working climate contral, and free wifi, Oh and a free juice bar wouldnt be too much to ask for right ? perhaps even a masuse. Or maybe just a streamlined process or app that would cut down on my frustration. Could you imagine using an app to pay your fees while getting a massage and enjoying a smoothie. Somehow we can pay every other tac online, even the late ones. what is the d.m.v.s excus

Friday, February 12, 2021

The enternet is rife with it.

Hello dear friends, if your wondering I never cured my gender dysphoria. not only did I not cure it, Ive been on hormones for the last six months. My levels are within goal range, my boobs hurt my hips hurt, but Im not depressed and I think clearly, and all the anxiety and self loathing its gone. Not that its anybodies bussiness. Of course I guess now it is everyones bussiness. An election has changed governments, and of course the losers need a lynch pin, lord knows its allways easier to unite people against somthing, then it is to unote them for somthing. This time the lynch pin is well me, becauss I was born with the wrong chromosones and genetelia. Genetelia I disassociated from, genetelia I never think about or brag about, genetelia I could get the job done with, thats allot of genetelia, what I'm trying to say is get off of my dick, and keep my dick out of your conscience. No im not going to attempt to assault other women or girls in the restroom. No im not going to "trick you into believing" I was born with the right parts, but you being concerened about all of that,is very telling. Do you think about doing those things ? Do you think about people like me? I get it your one of those curious people who messes around and ends up in the e.r. with a rectal forighn body. Sorry honey I dont like using this dick your so afraid of. For those of you that talk about science and nature or what G-d intended, How many minds have you walked in aside from your own ? its obvious our chromosones arent right and etc just like its your problem its our problem, trust me. Then there are those of you who say its an afront to G-d. According to The Bible or Torah your supposed to choose life over death. If changing my Gender is whats keeping me from jumping in front of a train or doing some other selfish thing to end my life, then guess what? Me changing my gender is me choosing life over death. Its me choosing to make my body feel at home, its me choosing to not live with this constant sadness anger anxiety and brain fog. I may not exactly fit your asthetic or your ideal, but seriousley I dont care.